julio 01, 2008

God Part 2

Don't believe the devil
I don't believe the book (2)
But the truth is not the same
without the lies he made up
I don't believe in excess success is to give
I don't believe in riches
but you should see where I live
I... I believe in love

Don't believe in forced entry
I don't believe in rape
But everytime she passes by
wild thoughts escape
I don't believe in deathrow,
skidrow or the gangs
Don't believe in the Uzi
it just went off in my hand
I... I believe in love

Don't believe in cocaine
I got a speedball (3) in my head
I could cut and crack you open (4)...
did you dear what I said?
Don't believe them
when they tell me there ain't no cure
The rich stay healthy
the sick stay poor
I... I believe in love

I don't believe in Goldman
his type like a curse (5)
Instant karma's gonna get him
if I don't get him first
I don't believe that Rock 'N Roll
can really change the world
As it spins in revolution spirals and turns
I... I believe in love

I don't believe in the 60's
in the golden age of pop
You glorify the past
when the future dries up
I heard a singer on the radio
late last night
Says he's gonna kick the darkness
till it bleeds daylight
I... I believe in love

I feel like I'm falling
like I'm spinning on a wheel
It always stops beside a name
a presence I can feel
... I believe in love

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